In what is becoming a frighteningly regular occurrence, this May will see yet another bunch of brave souls set out to walk from London to Brighton. Yes, walk. All in one go. That’s 100km for those of you keeping score, which is 62.2 miles. It will probably take them around 25-30 hours to complete, walking day and night on the 28th and 29th of May. Along the way they will do battle with cows, leap styles in a single bound and slide down muddy hillsides on their posteriors. Or just walk a lot, but that doesn’t sound nearly so exciting.
But why are they doing this, you may ask? Well, many of us widows have found walking to be an amazing thing. It is a distraction, a focus and a fitness technique for those who at times find it very difficult to consider their own fitness. It’s also a wonderful sociable activity and many of us have forged what will surely be lifelong friendships by doing it. I’m not saying we walk 100km every weekend though, this one is a bit special, and we’re raising money for WAY Widowed and Young while we do it. So, please give generously…
Want to support us but not sure who to sponsor? Click here to sponsor a randomly selected member of the team.
WAY Widowed and Young is the only national charity in the UK for people aged 50
or under when their partner died. It's a peer-to-peer support group operating with a network of
volunteers who have been bereaved at a young age themselves, so they understand exactly what
other members are going through.
To find out more about this amazing charity please click here.
All donations are handled by JustGiving.